Thursday 4 July 2013

Look Out For Tech Gadgets in 2014

If you feel like 2013 is speeding by, you're not alone. It's hard to believe that we're already in the midst of summer!

Since it seems like we're getting there so quickly, let's take a look at five gadgets that are expected to roll out during the course of 2014:

Playstation 4

The PS4 is slated to come out during the last quarter of this year. But while you'll be able to have this console sitting under the tree on Christmas morning, you'll have to wait until 2014 to fully enjoy all of its features.

The reason is with the help of the cloud-based service Gaikai, you'll be able to continue enjoying all of your favorite PS3 games by streaming them through your new console.

4.7" and/or 5.7" iPhones

Even though Steve Jobs believed 3.5" was the perfect size for a phone screen, because of the success of devices like the Samsung Galaxy, Apple is now rumored to be experimenting with iPhones that feature a larger screen.

Although a larger screen hasn't been confirmed, if either size is rolled out, most experts agree that it will be in about a year.

Xbox One

If you're in the United States, you'll be able to buy an Xbox One in November of this year. However, if you're one of the 4.14 billion people who calls Asia home, you'll have to wait until 2014 to get your hands on this gaming system.

Although waiting can be frustrating, it may be a good thing in this situation. It will give you a chance to read plenty of reviews and decide for yourself if new features like automatically recording and sharing clips of gameplay outweigh current criticisms of this console that include online connectivity requirements.

Google Glass

Since it's pretty likely that you enjoy reading tech news, chances are you've seen pictures of people wearing Google Glass.

However, just because this product exists doesn't mean that it has made its way out into the wild yet. Even with a price tag of $1,500, countless people around the globe were hoping for a chance to purchase this revolutionary eyewear during 2013.

But, as Google Chairman Eric Schmidt confirmed in a recent BBC interview, the release of this product to the general public is still "a year-ish away."


Since Apple not only has $176 billion in total assets, but also gets more media attention than just about any company in the world, it shouldn't come as a surprise that they have more than one gadget on this list.

Earlier this year, Apple CEO Tim Cook said wearables are “incredibly interesting,” and could be a “profound area” if done right.

While the company hasn't confirmed that they're working on any type of watch device, recent developments like better Bluetooth support in their upcoming iOS7 have led to analysts from firms like KGI Securities stating that they believe this device will become a reality in 2014.

Although we'll just have to wait to see all the new gadgets that hit store shelves, as you can see from this list, 2014 is already shaping up to be an exciting year for technology!

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